Kubectl Commands For Beginners

Vineet Kumar
2 min readMar 13, 2021
  1. $ kubectl config get-contexts : View list of clusters

2. $ kubectl config current-context : To view current running version

3. $ kubectl config use-context <context-name> : Switch to cluster or context

4. $ kubectl get ns : Generate a plain-text list of all namespaces

5. $ kubectl get po -A : Generate list of all pods in all namespaces

6. $ kubectl create namespace [namespace-name]: Create namespace

7. $kubectl get po: Generate a plain-text list of all pods in default namespace.
$ kubectl get po -n <namespace_name>: display pods underspecific name space

8. $ kubectl get pods -o wide : Generate a detailed plain-text list of all pods, containing information such as node name

9. $ kubectl get svc : Display all services in default namespace

10. $ kubectl create –f [manifest-filename] :Create a resource from a JSON or YAML file

11. $ kubectl apply -f [manifest-file].yaml: To apply or update a resource use the kubectl apply command. The source in this operation can be either a file or the standard input (stdin). Create a new service with the definition contained in [service-name].yaml

12. $ kubectl describe pods <pod-name> : To display the state of any number of resources in detail, use the kubectl describe command. By default, the output also lists uninitialized resources. View details about a particular pods.

13. $ kubectl delete -f pod.yaml: To remove resources from a file or stdin, use the kubectl delete command.Remove a pod using the name and type listed in pod.yaml

14. $ kubectl delete pods,services -l [label-key]=[label-value] :Remove all pods and services with a specific label

15. kubectl exec -ti [pod-name] /bin/bash : Run /bin/bash from a specific pod. The received output comes from the first container

16. kubectl logs -f [pod-name] : To stream logs from a pod, use

17. Copy data from pod to the local machine:
$kubectl cp <some-namespace>/<some-pod>:/tmp/foo /tmp/bar
and For copy data from local machine to pod:
$kubectl cp /tmp/bar <some-namespace>/<some-pod>:/tmp/foo

