L4 Load Balancing on Kubernetes with Rancher

Vineet Kumar
2 min readJan 12, 2020


Login to Rancher and Choose project from top menu in selected Cluster wherever you want to deploy the service (In my case in default project want to deploy the service)

Click on Deploy Button

1. Fill up the field details are as below

Name of workload: any

Scalable deployment of: no of pod want to deploy

Dockers Image: Docker Image path (from private or public Registry Server)

Namespace: Default (Choose Accordingly)

Choose L4 load balancer as a service from Drop down

Publish the container port: Where the service will run under container

On listening port: Host port which will be available

As shown in below image

Fill above form accordingly

Now Click on launch button

Workloads has been created and now running on 80 port. Click on created workload default page of nginx will open.As shown in below image

Click on 80/tcp link



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